Saturday, November 12, 2011

Blog Post #8

My ARP paper is about the Creative Class and how important this class is to new development in local economic regions. To write about this subject in a Commonplace setting, I believe I will have to explain how the creative class is again important, but other than that, also explaining how imperative it is to accept the different lifestyles and diversity of this class. The Creative Class includes a wide variety of culture; gays, artists, and much more. The people in this class are very creative to say the least, and like to express themselves in a very unorthodox but very professional manner. Tattoos, piercings, colorful hair, and designing their own clothes is just a window to see into the minds of these innovative geniuses. Getting past the looks, if you were a little judgmental, not saying you are, shows our future brains takes risks and don't really care what others think because they're risk takers and like to push the envelope. Also, explaining what life would be like without the creative class and giving perspective to the audience, life would be a lot more ordinary.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

blog post 8

Domestic violence Against Women

This topic is a relevant topic because so many families in USA are affect by this kind of violence in their home. So many research has been done on this kind of issue and many scholars come up with solution, but yet domestic violence still exist even more than before. In my opinion this topic is a good topic because this kind of situation has an influence on everyone’s life in different ways. Some may be a victim to violence years ago or still is in an abusive situation. Others may know individual who has experienced or is experiencing violence. Some of the audience may tired of abusive relationship of their neighbor. This paper will give information on how to help those individual in danger by this kind of violence. I think this paper will give an insight about children and our communities’ affection by domestic violence. This will change the perception of the society against child with some kind of odd behavior because of parents fight. Instead it will initiate the reader to help those children who are the victim of the violence. So, to meet the essential target, how the paper appears to readers is what really matter. This topic should be presented in persuasive manner. To do so, the narrative should include relevant statistics and research papers that would be the evidence to the general idea. Moreover, I will approach my paper in an organized fashion; this will help me stay in control. This will allow my readers to stay focus so that they finish the reading the paper and take action to give a hand to those affected by domestic violence.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Blog #7

This is a difficult paper to write. Bringing everything together in a smooth transaction is one of the harder things I find to do. Although I think I've done alright so far with what I have, and this is my first writing class since high school. I believe that this paper would be better in a couple ways. One would be if I had more education thus far. Not saying that it plays a big role, I feel just a little bit amateur. Two would be understanding the material a bit more and being more analytical with a not so much opinionated voice which is hard for me to keep in check. All in all i think that I did an okay job, however, I always self criticize to the extreme.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

blog post #7

This class helped me to improve my writing skill in many ways. I learned how to complicate the idea. Free writing is new technic I learned from this class. Before I try to write a good paper once which results in bad paper most time but now this new technics that I got from this class makes it easy for me to write a good paper. My bad attitude against writing completely changed. Now I think I can generate idea and complicate it. Blog post, comment on blog post and other gives me a chance to share new thoughts and to read classmates thought. In general this quarter is three hundred sixty turn from negative attitude of to positive about writing. For me that is the complete turn from non sense to credible value. Plan, then write a best way that I am comfortable with to complicate my paper. Before I feel pressure deep into my heart when I think about planning but now I plan before I start writing without feeling fear.

My first plan to extend my five page paper to eight page is to target at the comment my teacher gave me. Developing complicated thesis statement and topic sentence. The last technic I think to complicate the paper I will adda more evidence that increase the tension in my paper. The other very challenged me is to come up with the topic that could get attention of my reader. Topic is the first thing the readers in counter with before body of the paper so it should be better or more attractive to reader.